Meet the ProjectQ Team
Lead Developers and Support

Damien Nguyen
Huawei Research
Lead Developer
Founders and Original Team (now at Microsoft)

Founder & Former Lead Developer

Founder & Former Lead Developer


Ryan Babbush

Fran Cabrera

Craig Gidney

Ian Kivlichan

Matthew Neeley

Kevin Sung
Special thanks go to the researchers from IBM, Lev S. Bishop, Fran Cabrera, Jorge Carballo, Jerry M. Chow, Andrew W. Cross, Ismael Faro, Stefan Filipp, Jay M. Gambetta, Paco Martin, Nikolaj Moll, Mark Ritter, and John Smolin for their help with interfacing to the IBM Quantum Experience chip.
We thank Jonathan Home, Matteo Marinelli, and Vlad Negnevitsky for working with us on an interface to their ion trap quantum computer.
Furthermore, we want to thank the following people for enlightening discussions: Jana Darulová, Michele Dolfi, Dominik Gresch, Andreas Hehn, Mario Könz, Natalie Pearson, Donjan Rodic, Slava Savenko, Andreas Wallraff, and Camillo Zapata Ocampo from ETH Zurich;
Matthew Neeley, Daniel Sank, and Hartmut Neven from Google;
Alan Geller, Martin Roetteler, Krysta Svore, Dave Wecker, and Nathan Wiebe from Microsoft Research;
Anne Matsuura and Mikhail Smelyanskiy from Intel; Jim Garrison